
Hugh Fessenden Kendall II

1Birth Certificate (4556) of Hugh Fessenden Kendall, Jr. of Brooklyn, NY., Genealogy files of Jim Kendall, 10111 Lynbrook Hollow, Houston, TX 77042.
"Transcription of Hugh Fessenden Kendall, Jr. Birth Certificate by Ann Amrie Kendall

Return of Birth

the Board of Health of the City of Brooklyn,
66 Court Street, Brooklyn #4556

1. Name of Child (if any) Hugh Fessenden Kendall Jr.
2. Sex Male
3. Race or Color White
4. (X) Sept 17/76
5. Hour of Birth -----A.M. 1.20 P.M.
Place of Birth #185 Harrison St.
Name of Mother Mary Josephine Kendall
(Given or Maiden) Name Mary Josephine Garsed
(Mother's) Birth Place Frankford Pa.
(X) Residence #185 Harrison St
Name of Father Hugh Fessenden Kendall
Father's Occupation Merchant
Father's Birth-place Brookline, Mass
Name of Medical Attendant,

Name of Person who makes this Return Edward W. Victor, M.D.
Date Sept. 18/76 144 Clinton (?) St."

2Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie, Anna Kendall.

3Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

4Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

5Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

6Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

7Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

8Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

9Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

10Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

11Retirement Notice of Hugh Fessenden Kendall II.

Bessie Lenore Olson

1Birth Certificate (02682) of Bessie Lenore Olson, Thorp, Clark, WI., Genealogy files of Jim Kendall, 10111 Lynbrook Hollow, Houston, TX 77042.
"Transcription of Birth Certificate of Bessie Lenore Olson by Ann Marie Kendall

Certificate number 02682

1.FULL NAME OF CHILD: Interestingly, Annie Elizabeth is crossed out, and Bessie Lenore + Olson written in
2.COLOR: (how UN-pc) White
3.SEX: Female
4.NAMES OF OTHER LIVING ISSUE: can't tell....there's a notice here which reads

"The corrections entered in red ink on the adjoining
record were made this 3rd day of Feb.
1948 by me and are based on a supplementary
report (something) per self
Carl N. Neupert, M.D.
By M. Stempson (?)"

5.FULL NAME OF FATHER: Manford Orville Olson
6.OCCUPATION: Lumberman
7.FULL MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER: Annie Eleanor Petrie
8.DATE OF BIRTH: 2:05 (?) A.M. July 21st 188X
9.PLACE OF BIRTH: Thorp, Clark County(?)
10. BIRTHPLACE OF FATHER: Black River Falls, Wis
11.BIRTHPLACE OF MOTHER: Concord, Jefferson Co., W (?)
14. DATE OF CERTIFICATE: Aug. 1st 1885
15.DATE OF REGISTRATION: August 3rd 1885

2Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie, Anna Kendall.

3Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie.

41900 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Clark, Thorp, Roll 1781, Vol. 8, ED 30, sheet 2, line 82.

[son] Kendall

1Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie, Anna Kendall.

2Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie.

Manford Orville Olson

1Birth Certificate (02682) of Bessie Lenore Olson, Thorp, Clark, WI., Genealogy files of Jim Kendall, 10111 Lynbrook Hollow, Houston, TX 77042.
"Transcription of Birth Certificate of Bessie Lenore Olson by Ann Marie Kendall
Certificate number 02682

1.FULL NAME OF CHILD: Annie Elizabeth is crossed out, and Bessie Lenore + Olson written in
2.COLOR: White
3.SEX: Female
4.NAMES OF OTHER LIVING ISSUE: can't tell....there's a notice here which reads:
"The corrections entered in red ink on the adjoining
record were made this 3rd day of Feb.
1948 by me and are based on a supplementary
report (something) per self
Carl N. Neupert, M.D.
By M. Stempson (?)"
5.FULL NAME OF FATHER: Manford Orville Olson
6.OCCUPATION: Lumberman
7.FULL MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER: Annie Eleanor Petrie
8.DATE OF BIRTH: 2:05 (?) A.M. July 21st 188X
9.PLACE OF BIRTH: Thorp, Clark County(?)
10. BIRTHPLACE OF FATHER: Black River Falls, Wis
11.BIRTHPLACE OF MOTHER: Concord, Jefferson Co., W (?)
14. DATE OF CERTIFICATE: Aug. 1st 1885
15.DATE OF REGISTRATION: August 3rd 1885

2Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie, Anna Kendall.

3Obituary of Lillian A. Olson Warren.

4Obituary of Annie Petrie Olson.

51870 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Jackson, Albion, Roll 1718, p. 336, line 37.

61880 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Marathon, Brighton, Roll 1433, Vol. 15, ED 83, sheet 14, line 10.

71880 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Marathon, Brighton, Roll 1433, Vol. 15, ED 83, sheet 14, line 10.

81900 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Clark, Thorp, Roll 1781, Vol. 8, ED 30, sheet 2, line 82.

91900 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Clark, Thorp, Roll 1781, Vol. 8, ED 30, sheet 2, line 82.

101910 Federal Census, Minnesota, Hubbard, Akeley, ED 70, Sh. 21, line 25.

Annie Eleanor Petrie

1Birth Certificate (02682) of Bessie Lenore Olson, Thorp, Clark, WI., Genealogy files of Jim Kendall, 10111 Lynbrook Hollow, Houston, TX 77042.
"Transcription of Birth Certificate of Bessie Lenore Olson by Ann Marie Kendall

Certificate number 02682

1.FULL NAME OF CHILD: Interestingly, Annie Elizabeth is crossed out, and Bessie Lenore + Olson written in
2.COLOR: (how UN-pc) White
3.SEX: Female
4.NAMES OF OTHER LIVING ISSUE: can't tell....there's a notice here which reads

"The corrections entered in red ink on the adjoining
record were made this 3rd day of Feb.
1948 by me and are based on a supplementary
report (something) per self
Carl N. Neupert, M.D.
By M. Stempson (?)"

5.FULL NAME OF FATHER: Manford Orville Olson
6.OCCUPATION: Lumberman
7.FULL MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER: Annie Eleanor Petrie
8.DATE OF BIRTH: 2:05 (?) A.M. July 21st 188X
9.PLACE OF BIRTH: Thorp, Clark County(?)
10. BIRTHPLACE OF FATHER: Black River Falls, Wis
11.BIRTHPLACE OF MOTHER: Concord, Jefferson Co., W (?)
14. DATE OF CERTIFICATE: Aug. 1st 1885
15.DATE OF REGISTRATION: August 3rd 1885

2Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie, Anna Kendall.

3Obituary of Lillian A. Olson Warren.
"Lillian A. Olson Warren Obituary
From Local Newspaper
Date: none

Mrs. William Warren

Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Masonic Temple for Mrs. William Warren, whose remains were brought here from Bessemer, Michigan, where services had been held on Wednesday afternoon, conducted by a pastor from Platteville. It was an Eastern Star service and largely attended by friends.

The service here was also an Eastern Star service, conducted by Worthy Matron Mrs. Frederikson, and the officer. There were two songs, “Rock of Ages”, and “Nearer My God to Thee”, sang by Mesdames Hl. H. Richards and F. J. Reichenbach, with Mrs. Jennie White as accompanist. Rev. E. L. Cooper gave a prayer and the opening the closing of the service. Interment was made in Riverside.

The remains were accompanied here by her husband, William Warren, of Bessemer, daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Grinn(sic) and children, billy, Jack and Phyllis, also of Bessemer, Miss Rachel Warren, of Chicago; brother Manfred (sic) Olson, of Virginia, Minnesota, and sister, Rossie, Mrs. Will Johnson, of Medford.

Mrs. Warren had been gradually failing in health for the past three months and had been cared for in the Ashland hospital where she recently underwent an operation. She had returned home for a time following it bug again returned to the hospital, where she passed away Monday, December 17, 1934, at the age of 71 years.

Lily Olson Warren, daughter of John M. Olson and Alice Edmunds Olson, was born in Black River Falls August 28, 1863. About 1878 the family left here and went up on the Wisconsin Central line, where they lived at Unity. Mr. Olson worked as superintendent in the mills there for the late D. J. Spaulding.

December 26, 1883, she was united in marriage at Unity to William Warren, who survives and mourns her loss. It was a double wedding, her brother, Manfred (sic) Olson and Miss Annie E. Petrie being married at the same time and place. Mrs. Olson passed away March 24, 1929. It had been the fond hope of the two couples to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary in a double event also, but death claimed Mrs. Olson a few years too early.

After their marriage Mr. And Mrs. Warren moved to Rib Lake where they lived ten years and then to Mellon where they spent a second ten years. He was employed in the lumber mills there. Of recent years they have made their home at Bessemer, where Mr. Warren had employment on the Soo line until a recent accident, after which he retired.

Mrs. Warren was a member of the Eastern Star and of the Royal Neighbor lodge, for which she served more than 20 years as secretary. She was held in fond regard by all who knew her and is remembered that way by friends here. The sympathy of all goes out to the members of her family, all of whom attended the funeral here."

4Obituary of Annie Petrie Olson.
"Annie Petrie Olson Obituary
From Local Newspaper
Handwritten date: 3/27/29

Funeral For Mrs. Olson Held Here Yesterday

Funeral service for Mrs. M. O. Olson who died at 8 o’clock Sunday night were held at the home of Mr. And Mrs. H. F. Kendall at 2 o’clock yesterday with Rev. D. D. Jansen officiating. Burial was made at the Virginia cemetery.

The deceased was 67 years of age and the only immediate surviving relatives are her husband and one daughter, Mrs. H. F. Kendall, with whom the family has made their home the past ten years. She had been ill but a month and death resulted from a stroke of paralysis.

Mrs. Olson was born in Jefferson county, Wisconsin and her maiden name was Miss Anne (sic) Petrie. She was married to Mr. Olson at Unity, Wisconsin in 1883 and previous to coming to Eveleth the family lived at Akeley.

She leaves a wide circle of friends in the Wolf district where she was active in community affairs."

5Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie.

6Obituary of Lillian A. Olson Warren.

7Obituary of Annie Petrie Olson.

81870 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Concord, Roll 1719, p. 32, line 36.

91880 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Marathon, Brighton, p. 311c.

101900 Federal Census, Wisconsin, Clark, Thorp, Roll 1781, Vol. 8, ED 30, sheet 2, line 82.

111910 Federal Census, Minnesota, Hubbard, Akeley, ED. 70, Sh. 21, line 26.

Richard Garsed Kendall

1Genealogy pages inserted in bible of Mrs. Adam Petrie, Anna Kendall.