Carl Marcus Olson [Parents] was born 1 on 13 May 1888 in Thorp, Clarke, WI.. He died 2, 3 on 1 Apr 1919 in , , CA.. He married 4 Grace Burger on 19 Sep 1916. Carl was counted in a census 5 in 1900 in Thorp, Clark, WI.. He was counted in a census 6 in 1910 in Akeley, Hubbard, MN..
The following was contributed by James Allen Kendall.
Carl Marcus Olson Obituary
From Local Newspaper
Date: Tuesday, April 8, 1919Carl Olson Dies with Pneumonia Was Well Known Conductor - Was Well Known Conductor (picture included)
At an early hour last Tuesday morning, April 1, Carl Olson, one of Westwood’s best known young men, died with pneumonia, following an attack of Spanish influenza. The community was shocked to hear of Mr. Olson’s death, as he had up to a few days before been in the best of health. He had been taken ill while at work with his crew. They were clearing a switch on the road out of Westwood where it was necessary to handle a lot of snow, when Mr. Olson complained of not feeling well. He gave up work and went home, but his condition grew worse and a week later pneumonia developed. The disease had taken a firm hold and all efforts to save him were unavailing. His devoted wife, though just recovering form the influenza and in a very weak condition, was in attendance, and with other relatives was with him when he died. He breathed his last about 1:20 o’clock Tuesday morning, a week after the death of his chief, Hugh Contryman.
Carl Marcus Olson, son of Mr. And Mrs. M. O. Olson, and brother of Mrs. H. F. Kendall, was born at Thorpe, Wisconsin, on May 13, 1888. When Carl was but a small boy his parents removed to Minnesota, and his father entered the employ of the Red River Lumber Company. Carl also entered their employ when he was about 18 years old, beginning as a time-keeper in one of their camps. Being unusually bright and efficient, he advanced rapidly and became a valued assistant in several positions. He was, however, attracted by the whirr of the wheels, and sought the work of railroading. Though offered splendid inducements and more lucrative positions he chose to stay with the trains. He came to Westwood about three years ago, and has since been working as conductor on one of the logging trains. His fellow workmen were deeply attached to him and his death has cast a cloud of gloom over them. Carl Olson was a man who commanded the respect of all, and being of a likeable disposition he was the friend of every one who knew him.
He was united in marriage to Miss Grace Burger in September, 1916, and has since resided at 207 Delwood street, where they had a beautiful home. Thursday morning funeral services were held at the church. The body was escorted from the chapel to the church. Rev. R. G. Green delivered a splendid funderal sermon, and gave touching reminiscences of the life of mr. Olson whom he had known from boyhood. Mrs. A. N. Jensen and Mrs. H. M. Foss sang two songs, accompanied by Mrs. F. L. Walker. Several beautiful floral pieces were given by the trainmen, office force of the Company and friends.
The casket was borne by the following pall bearers: Ed. Page, C. E. Clough, Pete Sutton, A. R. Durrill, Ed Fex and Ed Craig. The body was taken to Reno on the 12:30 train, accompanied by Mrs. Olson, Mr. And Mrs. L. C. Berger (sic), Mrs. A. L. Berger (sic), Rev. R. G. Green and Jack Engelbritsen. On arrival at Reno the party was met by a delegation of railroad employees and the body escorted to the undertaking parlors.
Mrs. M. O. Olson, mother of the deceased, arrived in Reno from Minnesota early Friday morning. The burial took place at 2 o’clock under the direction of the B. of R. T. in the Railroad Men’s Cemetery.
=============================================================Card of Thanks
We, the immediate relatives of Carl M. Olson, wish to convey our heartfelt thanks and express our appreciation to the many loyal and thoughtful friends who kindly assisted us in our hours of grief
Mrs. Carl M. Olson
Mr. And Mrs. M. O. Olson
Mr. And Mrs. A. L. Burger
Mr. And Mrs. LO. C. Burger
Mr. And Mrs. H. T. Lintott
Mrs. T. A. FalliheeCarl Olsen (sic), who has been ill for the past several days with La Grippe, was taken to the hospital Sunday. Mrs. Olsen (sic) has been sick for some time, has recovered to such an extent that she is around again.
Transcribed by Ann Marie Kendall Stock 10/21/01, from the original newspaper clipping.
Grace Burger 1 was born on 30 Apr. She married 2 Carl Marcus Olson on 19 Sep 1916.
Robert Gordon Kendall [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Chris Kendall F ii Deborah Kendall
Betty Jean Kendall [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Eric Harmon
Ronald Alexander Lefaive [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i David Alexander Lefaive M ii Stephen Lefaive
Khristie Kendall Lefaive [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Kyle James Eads M ii Logan Patrick Eads F iii Ava Kate Eads
Stephanie Ann Kendall [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Kendall James McGinnis
John Michael Kendall [Parents]
Jost D. (Dieterich or Demuth?) Petrie [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 18 Nov 1822 in Little Falls, N.Y,. He died on 13 Jun 1911 in Cottage Grove, Lane Co., Oregon. He married J. Forinda Holcomb on 25 Feb 1847 in Concord, Wisconsin.
Information from "The Mohawk Valley Petries..." by Hazel Patrick (1979), and also from correspondence and notes shared by William Robert Brittenham.
In Hazel Patrick's book she writes:
(page 27)"Jost D. Petrie, born November 18, 1822 near Little Falls, N.Y. He spent his early life at Little Falls where he was educated and went to Concord, Jefferson County, Wisconsin in Sept., 1843. He bought state land, which was at that time a wilderness of timber and brush. Jost did his full share of the pioneer work incident to those days, as he had little or nothing to begin with. He literally chopped out his farm and home and acquired 210 acres of well improved land as his reward. Jost was a Republican in politics; chairman of the town board and town clerk for many years; town superintendent of schools; member of Wisconsin's Legislature in 1861. Raised full blooded and graded Durham cattle, besides horses and hogs."
Further, on the same page:
"Anna (Petrie) Olson, Adam's daughter, informed Mrs. Edward Davern (Olive Petrie) that Adam's uncle John D. Petrie went west and wrote he had made his "pile" and was returning. He was never heard from again. Nothing is known of his children, if any." (Note: Since he was Adam's brother he would be Uncle Jost to Annie. )
And on page 51:
"Jost D. Petrie (Referred to as Uncle Jost). In Sept. 1843 he moved to Concord, Jefferson Co., Wisconsin. Afterwards, he moved to Loraine, Oregon. He became a member of the Legislature. He married J. Florinda Holcomb, Feb. 25, 1847. Children: 7.
2811 Ellen L. Petrie, married ..... Lockwood.
2812 Channing Petrie, died 1925. Married...... Children: 3.
2813 Irving, Petrie.
2814 Harley H. Petrie, died 1923. Married .....Widow. Married (2) an Adams.
2815 Jost Petrie.
2816 Two children died in infancy.
2817 Earnest Petrie.
2819 Kossuth Petiie."It appears that much of the above information was taken from the following biographical sketch which appeared in "The History of Jefferson County, Wisconsin", published in Chicago by the Western Historical Company, 1879. This information was shared by James Allen Kendall:
"J. D. PETRIE, farmer, Secs. 16 and 21; P.O. Concord; born in Little Falls, Herkimer Co., N.Y., Nov. 18, 1822; spent his early life in Little Falls, where he was educated, and came to Concord, Jefferson Co., Wis., in September, 1843. He bought State land which was at this time a wilderness of timber and brush. Mr. Petrie did his full share of the pioneer work incident to those days, as he had little or nothing to begin with; he literally chopped out his farm and home, and now has 210 acres of well-improved land as a reward. He married Miss J. F. Holcomb Feb. 25, 1847; they have four children living - Ellen L., Ellery C., Irving W. and Harley H. Mr. Petrie is a Republican, and has been Chairman of the Town Board and Town Clerk many years; he was Town Superintendent of schools under the old system, and was a member of the Wisconsin Legislature in 1861 and also in 1867. As one of the successful pioneer farmers, he has full-blooded and grade Durham cattle, beside horses and hogs."
J. Forinda Holcomb.J. married Jost D. (Dieterich or Demuth?) Petrie on 25 Feb 1847 in Concord, Wisconsin.
They had the following children:
Joseph Moore [Parents] was born about 1828 in St. Lawrance Co., New York. He died in 1895. He married Hannah Huldan.
Information from "Memories of the Moores" by Mable Leota Moore Hunsinger (1990).
Hannah Huldan.Hannah married Joseph Moore.
Robert Moore [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 was born 8, 9, 10, 11 on 21 Oct 1823 in Canada. He died 12, 13 on 3 Jan 1896 in Rome, Wisconsin. He was buried 14, 15 in Jan 1896 in Hofman Cemetary, Rome, Wisconsin. He married 16, 17 Lois Henry on 1 Jul 1847 in Wisconsin. He resided 21 in 1845 in Settled on a farm in Jefferson Co Wisconsin. He was employed 22, 23, 24 as in 1880 in Farmer. He resided 28 in 1890 in Moved to Rome Wisconsin.
Information from "Memories of the Moores" by Mable Leota Moore Hunsinger (1990).
See Notes for his son, Dr. John Robert Moore.
[Langholff Branches and Twigs.FTW]
Obituary; Watertown Gazette Jan 10 1896 [Shared by Barbara (Allen) Rohde. FTW]
Oconomowoc, Wis., Jan. 3. -Robert Moore died at his home at Rome, Wis.,today, at the age of 72 years. He was born in Canada in 1823, and came to Wisconsin in 1845, settling on a farm in Jefferson County. In 1847 he was married to Miss Lois Henry, who, with ten grown children, eight sons and two daughters, survive him. Six years ago he left the farm and moved to Rome, where they have since resided. He was a member of the Baptist Church and a man of upright character. He was a veteran of the late war, being a member of Co. L, First Regiment Wisconsin Heavy Artillery.
Watertown Gazette, 10 Jan 1896
MOORE, ROBERT (b. 21 Oct 1823 in Canada-d. 2 Jan 1896 [V6-8]). See Watertown Gazette 10 Jan 1896. Married 1 Jul 1847 [B-71] to Lois Henry (5Feb 1832-31 Oct 1901), buried @ Hofman Cemetery, Rome, WI.
There is probate for John Moore, with 5 pages worth coping (cost$1.00/page).
1. Henriettta (Mrs. C.B.) Clark
2. Minnie Bell (Mrs. Hugh) Norman Married to Hugh on 6 Sep 1888: Lived @Lake Crystal MN.
3. Henry (27 Oct 1852-10 Oct 1922 [V8-495] Lived @ Waupun, WI.
4. Oscar (22 Apr 1868-18 Feb 1926 [10-264]).
5. Clara (b. 22 Jan 1876-d. 22 Feb 1897 @ Rome, WI).
6. Dr. Edwin E (b. 2 Sep 1855-d. 30 Nov 1926 @ Merrillan, WI).
7. Dr. John R. (b. 12 Jul 1850-d. 14 Nov 1909 @ New London). Married 24Apr 1873 to Juliei A. McFarland (1852-14 Aug 1880).
See Jefferson Banner 24 Nov 1909 & 9 Sep 1880).
I wonder if Robert could be a brother of John James Moore? I hope thatthis helps you with your research!
Sincerely, Roberta Lien Fosdal, D/JCGS researcher 10 February, 2000
From the 1850 WI Jefferson, Sullivan census:Robert Moore 25 m farmer 400 b. NY
Lois 20 f b. OH
Welcome 2 f (??) b. WI
Robert 3/12 m b. WI
From the 1860 WI Jefferson Co., Sullivan census (taken 28 June 1860)Dwelling #624, family #472
Robert Moore, 37 M Farmer 1500 Real Estate 700 Personal Estate b.Canada
Louis 27 F b. RI
Welcome 13 M b. WI attended school this yr
John 11 M b. WI attended school this yr
Henry (tw- 9 M b. WI attended school this yr
Henrietta ins 9 F b. WI attended school this yr
Edwin 6 M b. WI attended school this yr
Marietta 2 F b. WI attended school this yr
From the 1870 WI Jefferson, Sullivan census taken on 16 June
Moore, Robert 45 M Farmer 6000 Real Estate 2000 Personal Estate b.Canada father and mother of foreign birth
, Lois 38 F Keeps House b. RI father and mother ofdomestic birth
, John R. 19 M helps on farm b. WI father of foreign birth,mother of domestic birth, attended school this yr
, Henry 17 M b. WI father of foreign birth,mother of domestic birth, attended school this yr
, Edward 15 M b. WI father of foreign birth, motherof domestic birth, attended school this yr
, George 10 M b. WI father of foreign birth, motherof domestic birth, attended school this yr
, Frank 7 M b. WI father of foreign birth, motherof domestic birth, attended school this yr
, Arthur 4 M b. WI father of foreign birth, motherof domestic birth, attended school this yr
, Oscar 2 M b. WI father of foreign birth, motherof domestic birth
, Hannah 69 F b. VT father and mother of domestic birthHello, Saw where you were researching the Moore line in Wisconsin and wonder if we are looking at the same Moores. My great grandfather, Robert Moore Jr. had 10 children, eight were born near Rome, WI from 1848 to 1866. Any connection? George Moore, Oct 2000 Moores[]
From the 1880 Census : Sullivan, Jefferson, Wisconsin Family History Library Film 1255430 NA Film Number T9-1430 Page Number 233BName Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birth place Mother's Birth place
Robert MOORE Self M Male W 55 CAN Farmer NH VT
Louis MOORE Wife M Female W 48 NY Keeping House RI MA
Frank MOORE Son S Male W 17 WI At Home CAN NY
Arthur MOORE Son S Male W 14 WI At Home CAN NY
Oscar MOORE Son S Male W 12 WI At Home CAN NY
Minne MOORE Dau S Female W 8 WI CAN NY
Annis ASTIN Other S Female W 19 WI Teaching School ENG ENG
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moore, Clara, b. 22 Jan 1876, d. 22 Feb. 1897
Moore, Lois, b. 1832, d. 1901, nee Henry W.O. Robert Moore
Moore, Robert, b. 1823, d. 1896
-Hoffman Cemetery Sullivan Twp, Jefferson County, WisconsinW.Water St. & Vista Road
T6N R16E Sec 17NE¼ Lat: 42°59'16"N, Lon: 88°37'46"W Contributed by Sandra Wellman, Sep 01, 2002 []. Total records = 176. Transcribed in total by Sandra L. Wellman & BrianK. Larson 8/31/2002 Cemetery name plaque erected by Rome Sesquicentennial Committee 1848-1998.John R and Robert may be the same son.
-Barbara Bauer- comparing census recordsBarbara Bauer wrote:
> Id like to know if there are any listings for the HILL surname. AlsoRobert MOORE or John MOORE.
> Thank you for your time, Barbara Bauer
Hi Barb, In the 1830 atlas I find an E. Hill and an E. Hill, Jr. listed in Windsor Twp.; also, there's an Elijah Hill and Elijah Hill, Jr. A John Hill is listed in Monroe Twp. There is no surname of Moore listed in this atlas.
In the 1874 atlas there is no index so a paid researcher would have to comb each individual plat map for you. From the 1870 census for this county, however, I can tell you that there is a number of families living in this county with the surname of Moore and Hill. There is a Robert Moore living in Saybrook Twp. at this time.
Thank you for contacting the ACGS. Tom ACGS[]From: Jim Kendall [] Sent: Tuesday, November04, 2003 1:50 PM To: Subject: Moores inJefferson County Wisconsin
Family 1 - Descendents of Robert Moore and Hannah Bean
If I remember, this is the line you are interested in. By 1860, Robert isdead, but I see his widow, Hannah, and several children in Jeffersoncounty - William (b. abt 1822), Robert (b. 21 Oct 1823), John James(b. 16 Mar 1823), Joseph (b. abt 1833), and possibly Mary E. (b. abt1836).
Family 2 - Descendents of Robert Moore and Lucy ?
This family appears to come from New England with births in Pennsylvania,New York, and Vermont. I think it includes Alexander, Smith, and VolneyMoore. Do you have information on this line ?
Lois Henry 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was born 6, 7 on 5 Feb 1832 in Rhode Island. She died 8, 9 on 31 Oct 1901 in Wisconsin. She was buried 10 in Nov 1901 in Hofman Cemetary in Rome Wisconsin. She married 11, 12 Robert Moore on 1 Jul 1847 in Wisconsin.
They had the following children:
M i Welcome Moore M ii John Robert Moore Dr F iii Henrietta Moore M iv Henry Moore M v Edwin E Moore DR M vi George E Moore 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 25 May 1860 in Rome Wisconsin. He died 5, 6, 7, 8 on 3 Mar 1922. George was employed 9, 10 as in Physician. M vii Frank R Moore 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 25 Feb 1863 in Rome Wisconsin. He died 5, 6, 7, 8 on 25 Sep 1922. M viii Arthur Moore M ix Oscar Moore 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was born 6, 7 on 22 Apr 1868 in Wisconsin. He died 8, 9, 10, 11 on 18 Feb 1926. He was buried 12, 13 in Feb 1926 in Evergreen Cem., Rt 89, Ft Atkinson, Jefferson Co., Wisconsin. F x Minnie Belle Moore