Pierre BOUCHER [Parents] was born on 1 Aug 1622 in Lagny, near Mortagne, Perche, France. He died on 19 Apr 1717 in Boucherville, Québec.. He married Jeanne CREVIER on 9 Jul 1652 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY and from the WEB Site of the Catholic Encyclopedia:
The Catholic Encyclopedia gives a detailed account of Pierre's life, the highlights of which are:
- In 1634 he came to Canada with his father, Gaspard.
- In 1640, At the age of eighteen he joined the Jesuit Fathers and served in a mission near Georgian Bay.
- In 1641 he returned to Québec City where he served as a soldier.
- In 1645 he was interpreter of Indian languages at Three Rivers.
- In 1648 he was appointed commissary-general of the trading post at Three Rivers.
- In 1651 he was appointed captain of the militia.
- In 1653 he repelled an attack by the Iroquois.
- From 1653 t0 1658 he was placed in charge of the city of Three Rivers
- In 1661 he was sent to France to represent the colonies and to plead the cause of the inhabitants.
There he was ennobled by King Louis XIV. His letters of nobility were renewed in 1707.
- In 1662 he returned to Canada and was reappointed Governor of Three Rivers.
- In 1664 he had printed by the Florentin Lambert Press in Paris his book "L'historie veritable et naturelle
de moeurs et productions de pays de la Nouvelle-France, vulgairement dite le Canada".
- In 1667 he resigned, to found the seigniorial parish of Boucherville, which was named after him.
- in 1717 he passed away at Boucherville.(Note: BOUCHERVILLE is on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, just east of Montreal.
TANGUAY notes that Pierre was the "Sieur" of Gros-Bois, Seigneur of Boucherville, and governor of Trois-Rivières.
Pierre married twice. In 1648 he married Marie-Madeleine Chrêtienne who died after their first child was born. He remarried to Jeanne CREVIER in 1652. She had 16 children and was your ancestor.
Further information from the WEB PAGE "French Name Index" found at:
Jeanne CREVIER [Parents] was born in 1636. She married Pierre BOUCHER on 9 Jul 1652 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Jeanne, the second wife of Peirre BOUCHER, gave birth to 16 children between the years 1653 and 1676.
They had the following children:
M i René-Jean BOUCHER
Gaspard BOUCHER [Parents] was born in 1599 in Lagny, Évêche Mortagne, Perche, France. He died in 1664 in Trois Rivières, Québec. He married Nicole LEMAINE in 1619 in Évêche de Mortagne, France.
Information from TANGUAY and from the WEB Site of the Catholic Encyclopedia:
Gaspard came to Canada in 1634.
TANGUAY notes that Gaspard was a brother to Marin BOUCHARD (1589-1671) who is also your ancestor. Therefore, their father would be your double ancestor. It is also noted that one of the brothers (Gaspard) was a carpenter or joiner (fr. menuisier).
Further information from the WEB PAGE "French Name Index" found at:
Nicole LEMAINE.Nicole married Gaspard BOUCHER in 1619 in Évêche de Mortagne, France.
Information from TANGUAY.
Apparently very little is know of Nicole. She gave birth to five children between the years 1621 and 1634.
They had the following children:
M i Pierre BOUCHER
Etienne CHARETS [Parents] was born in 1631. He died on 6 May 1699 in Lévis, Québec. He married Catherine BISSOT on 27 Nov 1670 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Etienne was a tanner by trade.
Catherine BISSOT [Parents] was born on 6 Mar 1655. She married Etienne CHARETS on 27 Nov 1670 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Catherine was the fourth child of a famiy of 12 children. She gave birth to nine children between the years 1672 to 1692.
They had the following children:
F i Françoise Claire CHARETS
Christophe CREVIER was born in St-Jean-de-la-Rochelle, France. He married Jeanne ENARD about 1634.
Information from TANGUAY.
TANGUAY (vol. 1) shows Christophe and his wife Jeanne ENARD on the Genealogical Chart for the Taché Family.
TANGUAY also motes that Christophe was "Sieur de la Mesle".
Christophe and Jeanne had seven children between 1636 and 1652.
Jeanne ENARD.Jeanne married Christophe CREVIER about 1634.
See notes for her husband, Christophe CREVIER.
They had the following children:
F i Jeanne CREVIER
Michele BOUCHARD [Parents] was born in 1635. He married Marie TROTINNE on 2 Dec 1662 in Château Richer, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Michele's first wife died about 1680 and he remarried, in 1682 to Marie Medeleine de la Porte widow of Martin Fouquet.
Marie TROTINNE was born in 1646 in La Rochelle, France. She died about 1680. She married Michele BOUCHARD on 2 Dec 1662 in Château Richer, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Marie gave birth to eight children between the years of 1663 and 1678. She died about 1680 at the age of 34 years shortly after giving birth to her eighth child.
They had the following children:
F i Marie-Madeleine BOUCHARD
Clément BOUCHARD was born in Antillé-le-Marois, Évêché de La Rochelle, France. He married Clémence BRESSARD.
information from TANGUAY.
Clémence BRESSARD was born in Antillé-le-Marois, Évêché de La Rochelle, France. She married Clément BOUCHARD.
Information from TANGUAY.
They had the following children:
M i Michele BOUCHARD
Pierre CHARETS was born in Ste-Radegonde, évêché de Poitiers, France.. He married Renée MERLE.
Information from TANGUAY.
Renée MERLE was born in Ste-Radegonde, évêché de Poitiers, France.. She married Pierre CHARETS.
Information from TANGUAY.
They had the following children:
M i Etienne CHARETS
François BISSOT [Parents] was born in 1613. He died on 26 Jul 1678. He married Marie COUILLARD on 25 Oct 1648 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY who describes François as a "bourgois" (townsman or capitalist).
Marie COUILLARD [Parents] was born on 28 Feb 1633. She married François BISSOT on 25 Oct 1648 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Marie was the fifth child in a family of 10. She gave birth to 12 children between the years 1649 and 1673. After her husband died in 1678 she remarried to Jacques de la Lande. (TANGUAY's data appears to have an inconsistancy here in that the date of the second marriage is given as 1675, three years before the death of her first husband; not likely in the Catholic Church at that time).
They had the following children:
F i Catherine BISSOT
Jean BISSOT was born in Nôtre-Dame des Près, évêché de Lisieux, Normandie, France. He married Marie ASSOUR.
Information from TANGUAY.
Marie ASSOUR was born in Nôtre-Dame des Près, évêché de Lisieux, Normandie, France. She married Jean BISSOT.
Information from TANGUAY.
They had the following children:
M i François BISSOT
Guillaume COUILLARD died on 4 Mar 1663 in Church of the House of God. He married Guillemette HÉBERT on 26 Aug 1621 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
He is also mentioned by DAVID CôTÉ along with Louis HÉBERT, Abraham MARTIN, and Jean CôTÉ as original colonist in New France. They, all, are your ancestors.
The place of burial is given as "dans l'Eglise de l'Hotel-Dieu".
Two daughters of Guillaume and Guillemette are of interest: Marie was your ancestor while Elizabeth was the ancestor of Céline Dion. For details see notes for Jean GUYON (1592-1663).
Further information can be found in GOOGLE.COM by searching for "Momuments to Louis Hebert and Guillaume Couillard"
Guillemette HÉBERT [Parents] was born about 1606 in France. She died on 20 Oct 1684 in Church of the House of God. She married Guillaume COUILLARD on 26 Aug 1621 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY and JETTE.
There appears to be some doubt about Guillemette's birth date. TANGUAY gives it as 1606 in one place and 1608 in another. JETTE shows it as about 1608, although he notes that she was 78 years old in 1684: making here birth year as 1606. Both historians agree that she was married in 1621. If she were born in 1608 she would be only 13 years old when married and if born in 1606, 15 years old when married. The latter appears more logical.
The marriage of her sister, Anne, to Etienne Jonquest in 1618, three years before Guillemette's, was the first to be made in Canada.
They had the following children:
F i Elizabeth COUILLARD F ii Marie COUILLARD