Pierre ROY [Parents] was born in 1670. He married Marie-Anne MARTIN on 12 Feb 1691 in St-Pierre, l'Ile d'Orléans, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Pierre married a second time to Angèlique Autin on 25 Nov 1710. With the two wives he sired 10 children: 6 boys and 4 girls.
Marie-Anne MARTIN [Parents] was born on 14 Apr 1673. She died on 8 Feb 1709 in Rivière Ouelle, Québec.. She married Pierre ROY on 12 Feb 1691 in St-Pierre, l'Ile d'Orléans, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Marie-Anne was the sister of Catherine-Françoise who was also your ancestor.
She gave birth to seven children between the years 1691 and 1703. She died in 1709 at the age of 36 years.
They had the following children:
M i Augustin ROY
René-Jean BOUCHER [Parents] was born on 7 Feb 1667. He died on 20 Oct 1744 in Boucherville, Québec. He married Françoise Claire CHARETS on 24 Nov 1692 in Lévis, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
TANGUAY notes that René-Jean was seigneur of Montbrun and ensign in a detachment of the marines, commanding all the military along the south shore in 1729.
After the death of his first wife in 1725, René-Jean married a second time to Françoise Godfroy in 1729.
Françoise Claire CHARETS [Parents] was born on 11 Mar 1674. She died on 19 Dec 1725 in Boucherville, Québec. She was buried in Church in Boucherville. She married René-Jean BOUCHER on 24 Nov 1692 in Lévis, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY. The surname has at least two spellings: CHAREST; CHARETS.
Françoise was the third child in a family of nine. She gave birth to 12 children between the years 1693 and 1714.
They had the following children:
Guillaume LIZOT was born in 1645. He married Anne PELLETIER on 19 Jan 1670 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Anne PELLETIER [Parents] was born on 2 Oct 1656. She married Guillaume LIZOT on 19 Jan 1670 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
They had the following children:
M i Joseph LIZOT
Pierre DANCOSSE was born in 1641. He died on 13 Aug 1697 in Québec City, Québec. He married Marie-Madeleine BOUCHARD in 1679.
Information from TANGUAY.
Marie-Madeleine BOUCHARD [Parents] was born on 31 May 1665. She married Pierre DANCOSSE in 1679.
Information from TANGUAY.
Marie-Madeleine married a second time in 1702, nearly five years after her first husband died, to Jean Gauvin at Rivière Ouelle.
She gave birth, by her first husband, to nine children between the years 1680 and abt 1695.
They had the following children:
F i Françoise DANCOSSE
Antoine ROY-DESJARDINS [Parents].Antoine married Marie MAJOR on 11 Sep 1668 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY. He notes that Antoine ROY-DESJARDINS is the ancestor of the families ROY-DESJARDINS known as LAUZIER.
Marie MAJOR [Parents].Marie married Antoine ROY-DESJARDINS on 11 Sep 1668 in Québec City, Québec.
Marie was one of "les Filles du Rio" according to La Société des Filles du Roi et Soldats du Carignan, Inc. See URL:
They had the following children:
M i Pierre ROY
Olivier ROY was born in St-Jean, évêché de Sens, France. He married Catherine BODERGE about 1643 in St-Jean, évêché de Sens, France.
Information from TANGUAY. Date of marriage and place of birth and marriage are estimated.
Catherine BODERGE was born in St-Jean, évêché de Sens, France. She married Olivier ROY about 1643 in St-Jean, évêché de Sens, France.
Information from TANGUAY.
They had the following children:
Jean MAJOR was born in St-Thomas de Lizieux, France. He married Marguerite Le PELÉ about 1643 in St-Thonas de Lizieux, France.
Information from TANGUAY. Date of marriage and place of birth and marriage are estimated.
Marguerite Le PELÉ was born in St-Thomas de Lizieux, France. She married Jean MAJOR about 1643 in St-Thonas de Lizieux, France.
Information from TANGUAY. Date of marriage and place of birth and marriage are estimated.
They had the following children:
F i Marie MAJOR
Jean PELLETIER [Parents] was born on 12 Jun 1627 in St-Aubin de Tourouvre. He died on 25 Feb 1698 in Rivière Ouelle, Québec. He married Anne LANGLOIS on 9 Nov 1649 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY and JETTE.
Jean wanted to marry Anne LANGLOIS in 1647 but she was only 10 years old at the time and he had to wait two years until she attaned the legal age of 12 years for marriage (LUSSIER, pg. 1801).
Jean is your double ancestor. His second child, daughter Anne (b. 1656), was an ancestor of Joseph SASSEVILLE (b. 1788) and his seventh child, son Charles (b. 1671), was an ancestor of Sylvain LEPAGE (b. 1839).
Anne LANGLOIS [Parents] was born on 2 Sep 1637. She died on 17 Mar 1704. She married Jean PELLETIER on 9 Nov 1649 in Québec City, Québec.
Information from TANGUAY.
Anne gave birth to 10 children from 1654 to about 1677. Two of these children, Anne (b. 1656) and Charles (b. 1671) were your ancestors. See notes for her husbamd, Jean PELLETIER.
They had the following children:
Guillaume PELLETIER [Parents] was born in Perche, Normandie, France. He died on 27 Nov 1657 in Québec City, Québec. He married Michelle MORILLE (MABILLE) on 12 Feb 1619 in St-Aubin, Tourouvre, Perche, France.
Information from TANGUAY and JETTE.
JETTE provides the name of the area in France from which the PELLETIER family came, viz: St-Pierre de Brésolettes, canton Tourouvre, ar. Mortagne, év.
chartres, Perche (Orne).TANGUAY relates the following: Guillaume's brother, Antoine, drowned 3 Oct. 1647 when his boat capsized in the Montmorency Rapids near his house. He was buried by the Father Vincent the following day. JETTE notes that brother Antoine married Françoise Morin
JETTE notes that Guillaume arrived in Québec City in 1641 and was a coal dealer at Tourouvre. JETTE also notes that his brother, Antoine, married Françoise Morin.
Michelle MORILLE (MABILLE) was born on 20 May 1592 in St-Aubin de Tourouvre, Perch, France. She died on 21 Jan 1665 in Québec City, Québec. She married Guillaume PELLETIER on 12 Feb 1619 in St-Aubin, Tourouvre, Perche, France.
Information from TANGUAY and JETTE.
See notes for her husband; they came from the came area in Normandie.
They had the following children:
Eloi PELLETIER [Parents] was born in St-Pierre de Brésolettes. Perche, France. He married Françoise MATTE in St-Pierre de Brésolettes, Perche, France.
Information from JETTE. (See note for Guillaume PELLETIER).
They had the following children:
M i Guillaume PELLETIER M ii Antoine PELLETIER