George Wilber Robertson [Parents]
Other marriages:Davis, Lucille Eileen
He had the following children:
F i Shirley Leila Robertson M ii Glenn Petrie Robertson
He had the following children:
M i Dale Neil MacMILLAN F ii Bonnie Shirley MacMILLAN
Dale Neil MacMILLAN [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Jacob Joseph Neil MacMILLAN M ii Jasper George Thomas MacMILLAN
Bonnie Shirley MacMILLAN [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Jada Joan Shirley TACKABERRY
He had the following children:
F i Adriana Marie Robertson TOUNKARA
Louis Elzear PELTIER [Parents] was born on 5 Jun 1894 in Pink County, South Dakota. He died on 11 Nov 1964 in Lac la Biche, Alberta. He was buried in Same. He married Rosanna TAILLEUR on 18 Nov 1919 in Morinville, Alberta.
Information from family records and 1901 Canada Census for Morinville, Alberta as transcribed by Barbara Sherstone. (
Rosanna TAILLEUR [Parents] was born on 22 Mar 1899 in Papineauville, Quebec. She died on 19 Aug 1983 in Lac la Biche, Alberta. She was buried in Same. She married Louis Elzear PELTIER on 18 Nov 1919 in Morinville, Alberta.
Information from family records and 1901 Canada Census for Morinville, Alberta as transcribed by Barbara Sherstone. (
They had the following children:
F i Marie-Ange Thérèsa (Terry) Alexina PELTIER
Robert EARL [Parents] was born on 9 May 1802 in Ireland. He died on 21 Mar 1885 in Lyndhurst, Rear Lansdowne Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario. He was buried in Oak leaf Cemetery, Rear Lansdowne Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario. He married Margaret ------- about 1826 in Ireland.
Census for 1851 for Leeds County, Lansdowne Township, Division 3, page 401 shows the following entry for EARL:
EARL, Robert, farmer, age 48, place of birth: Ireland, Religion: Wesleyan Methodist
Margaret " 47, " " , " " .
Allan " 24, " " , " " .
Rachel " 19, " Canada , " " .
Ellen " 17, " " , " " .
Caroline " 15, " " , " " .
Sally " 13, " " , " " .
Mary " 11, " " , " " .
Lucy " 7, " " , " " .
William " 5, " " , " " .This is the only record we could find in the 1851 census showing an Allan EARL of the correct age and birth place and agreeing with family knowledge that the EARLS came from Ireland and settled in Lansdowne Township in Leeds County, Ontario before moving to Bruce County.
Since Allan was born in Ireland in 1827 and Rachel was born in Canada in 1832 it follows that the EARL family must have come to Canada sometime between these two dates, viz. about 1830 plus or minus 2 years.
This family was found again in the 1861 census for Leeds County, Lansdowne Twp, page 57:
EARL, Robert, farmer, age 59, place of birth: Ireland, religion: Wesleyan Methodist
Margaret " 58, " " , " " .
Rachel " 26, " " , " " .
Elen " 24, " Canada, " " .
Caroline " 22, " " , " " .
Sarah " 20, " " , " " .
Mary " 17, " " , " " .
Lucy " 15, " " , " " .
William " 13, " " , " " .Mary was shown as living in Boston.
At this time Allan EARL had left the family and married (about 1853).
It is interesting to note that Lucy married an Allan Earl, son of Edward and Alice Earl, Dec. 5. 1866. (County Marriage Registers of Ontario, Canada; 1858-1869; Vol. 20; LEEDS & GRENVILLE;1987).
Although the parents ages agree quite well with the 1851 census, the ages of all the children are 2 or 3 years younger for some unknown reason. Note also some differences in name spelling.
A search of cemetery records of the Leeds and Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Scociety in Brockville revealed that Robert and his wife Margaret EARL were buried in the Oak Leaf Cemetery of Holy Trinity Anglican Church. This is located on Lower Oak Leaf Road about midway between Lyndhurst and Athens. Gerry, Lucille and I visited this cemetery 8 Oct. 1997. We found the grave markers without any difficulty. They are made of lime stone and are badly weathered although the names and dates were still readable. There were identical markers for each about one meter high and 30 cm. across. The Cemetery record shows: "Robert EARL d. March 21, 1885 age 82 yrs., 10 mon., & 12 Days", giving a birth date of May 9, 1802.
The death certificate for Robert Earl shows he died March 21, 1885 at age 82 years. He was a farmer, born in Ireland. His religion was Church of England and Rev. Francis Codd of Lyndhurst was the informant. Cause of death is not given.
Margaret ------- was born in 1802 in Ireland. She died on 13 Nov 1867 in Lansdowne Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario. She was buried in Oak Leaf Cemetery, Lansdowne Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario. She married Robert EARL about 1826 in Ireland.
See notes for her husband, Robert EARL.
Records of the Oak Leaf Cemetery of the Holy Trinity Anlican Church show that: "Margaret wife of Robert EARL d. Nov. 13, 1867 in her 65th yr."
In the 1851 and 1861 Census Margaret and her family are shown as Wesleyan Methodists.
They had the following children:
M i Allan EARL F ii Rachel EARL was born in 1832 in Lansdown Twnp, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada. F iii Ellen EARL was born in 1834 in Lansdown Twnp, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada. F iv Caroline EARL was born in 1836 in Lansdown Twnp, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada. F v Sarah (Sally) EARL was born in 1838 in Lansdown Twnp, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada. F vi Mary EARL was born in 1840 in Lansdown Twnp, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada. F vii Lucy EARL was born in 1844 in Lansdown Twnp, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada. M viii William T. EARL
Robert EARL was born in 1781. He died on 5 May 1840 in Elizabethtown, Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario. He was buried in Earl Cemetery, Elizabethtown, Leeds Co.. He married Rachel -------- about 1800.
In the publication Elizabthtown Township Cemeteries, Leeds Co. by the Leeds & Greenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society in Brockville there is listed an "Earl Cemetery". This was formerly in Con. 6, Lot 23, Elizabethtown
Twp. but was moved to New Dublin, Con. 6, lot 20, west side. Lucille, Shirley, and I visted New Dublin on July 21, 1998 and found the new site for the Earl Cemetery in the Northwest corner of the cemetery across the road from the Anglican Church in the town. The new plot consisted of a large cement slab, about 5 ft. by 12 ft. in which the remains of old grave markers were embedded, These markers were badly eroded, some were broken, and pieces were missing.According to the record, burried in the cemetery are: "Robert EARL died May 5, 1840 aged 59 years" and "Rachel wife of Robert EARL died Apr. 20. 1852 aged 63 yrs." The ages of this couple and their names suggest that they might be the parents of Robert EARL (Rin #29) whose oldest daughter was named "Rachel". This needs confirmation............
Rachel -------- was born in 1787. She died on 20 Apr 1852 in Elizabethtown, Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario. She was buried in Earl Cemetery, New Dublin, Leeds Co., Ontario. She married Robert EARL about 1800.
See notes for her husband, Robert EARL.
They had the following children:
M i Robert EARL
Laurie Joseph DAVIS [Parents]
Raymond Michael DAVIS [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Erik Michael Howard DAVIS F ii Alexa Marie DAVIS M iii William Mackenzie DAVIS