Douglas Gerald DAVIS [Parents]
Other marriages:HACKETT, Brenda
They had the following children:
M i Zakery James DAVIS
Mark Timothy DAVIS [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Christopher William DAVIS M ii Bradley Lawrence DAVIS U iii Timothy Richard DAVIS
Robert Gerald DAVIS [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Lee Gerald DAVIS F ii Cindy Marie DAVIS M iii Dean Allan Leroy DAVIS
William DAVIS [Parents] was born on 16 Feb 1831 in Yonge Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario. He died about 1863 in Warburton, Leeds Co., Ontario. The cause of death was Farm accident. He married Eliza STEACY on 9 Jan 1858 in Lansdowne Co., Ontario.
Information is from:
- The WEB PAGE of R.H.A. Steacy (2001/09/04).
- Canadian Census for Leeds Co., Ontario
- County Marriage Registers of Ontario, Canada 1858-1869, Vol. 20, LEED & GRENVILLE.The only available clue as to the father of Thomas George Davis was in his certificate of marriage to Miriam P.E. Earl in which his parents names were given as William and Eliza Davies (Davis). Other clues on this certificate were that Thomas was a farmer, born in Lansdowne Twp. in Leeds Co. Ontario.
A search of all the census (1851-1901) for Leeds Co. turned up only one listing (in Lansdowne Twp. reel #C-1045, page 20 for 1861) of William and Eliza with a son Thomas (age 3 years). William's age was given as 29 years (b. 1832) and Eliza's as 22 years (b. 1839). They were farmers, both born in Upper Canada; lived in a one-story log-house: and were of the Church of England faith.
According to family lore there was a male ancestor who died very young. His wife remarried to a Steacy. Could this have been William? (See notes for his wife, Eliza Stacey).
Since William was reported as being born in Canada a search was made of the 1851 census for Leeds Co. for him. The only William of the appropriate age was found in Elizabethtown Twp. (See notes under Peter Davis). A search of Peter's will revealed that it was written two years after William died; yet the will listed a William as an heir. Therefore, it is assumed that Peter's son William is not Liza's husband and, therefore, Peter cannot be your ancestor.
A further search of births in the publications of the Ontario Historical Society, vol. 25, page 375 revealed a William DAVIS, born Feb. 16, 1831 of parents, William and Mary DAVIS in Yonge Township, Leeds County. Is this the right William ??? See notes for this William (father of William). Further search is necessary..
In the County Marriage Registers of Ontario the marriage of William Davis (28 yrs.) of Lansdowne and Eliza Stacey (18 yrs.) of Lansdowne, daughter of William and Ann was, given as 9 Jan 1858. This helps to confirm William's year of birth in 1831 as he would not turn 29 until Feb. 16 in 1858.
William died suddenly at an early age because we find in the 1871 census for South Leeds (District No. 67) that Eliza and two sons, Thomas and William, are living with a John Stacey. In the same family there are two younger children; Sharlot age 4 years and Richard age 2 years. In the 1881 census John Stacey and Eliza are shown with two sons, Thomas and William, whose surnames are given as Davis, and six other children by the name of Stacey (Steacy). Sharlotte, the eldest, is shown as 14 years of age. Thus it is readily deduced that Eliza remarried about or before 1866 and that her first husband, William, must have died about 1865 or earlier but after 1861.
Notes from Ian Roberts (July 2002) revealed that William was killed in a farm accident. It was assumed that such an accident most likely took place while cuting timber to clear land for farming. In those days trees had to be cut by hand with an axe and often two or more trees would become tangled and would not fall until several adjacent ones had been cut. The operation required much skill and was very dangerous.
William owned a farm in Warburton, Ontario. In 1881 his wife Eliza sold dower rights to the farm to her son Thomas George Davis. In 1993 the farm was owned by Percy Steacy.
See notes for William's spouse, Eliza.
Eliza STEACY [Parents] was born in 1838 in Prescott, Ontario. She died in 1900 in Rear Lansdowne, Leeds Co., Ontario. She was buried in OakLeaf Cemetery, Holy Trinity CE, Rear Lansdowne, Leeds Co.. She married William DAVIS on 9 Jan 1858 in Lansdowne Co., Ontario.
Other marriages:STEACY, John E.
Information is from:
- The WEB PAGE of R.H.A. Steacy (2001/09/04).
<>In some reports the name, Eliza, is given as Liza
Eliza was born in Prescott, Ontario in 1838. It is said that, at age 15 (1857), she moved with her family to a farm at Greenfield, 1/2 mile east of Warburton, Ontario. (The discrepancy in dates and age needs to be investigated....)
In the notes for William Davis, the husband of Eliza, it was noted that she was named on the marriage certificate of their son Thomas George Davis.
The marriage of Eliza STACEY and William DAVIS is shown in County Marriage Registers of Ontario, Canada 1858-1869; Vol. 20: LEEDS & GRENVILLE; by Elizabeth Hancocks; 1987. This publication gives her maiden name, the names of her parents and the ages of both William and Eliza as well as the date of marriage. The names of William's parents are not recorded.
Further, it was noted that she was listed in the 1861 census for Lansdowne Twp., Leeds Co. along with her husband, William Davis and son Thomas age 3 years. In the 1871 census for the same area she was listed with her second husband, John E. Steacy, and her two children, Thomas age 12 years and William age 9 years, fathered by William Davis. The 1881 census for the same area for family #298 lists:
Steacy, John E. age 41 years, Born in Ontario, Irish, Church of England, Farmer
" Eliza " 42 " " " " " "
" Sharlotte A. 14 " " " " " "
" Richard H. 12 " " " " " "
" Robert J. 10 " " " " " "
" Walter E. 8 " " " " " "
" Charles 6 " " " " " "
" Victoria E. 3 " " " " " "
Davis, Thomas G. 22 " " " " " " Sawyer
" William 18 " " " " " ""Eliza and John Steacy and their family were still in Lansdowne Front in 1891 as they were recorded in the census for that year. Eliza's son, Thomas George Davis, had left earlier for Amabel Twp. in Bruce Co. The whereabouts of his brother William at the time is uncertain.
A search of cemetery records in the library of the Brockville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Socety revealed the burial place of John E. Steacy and his wife Liza (DAVIS) Steacy. This was in the Union Cemetery (on Union Road) about five km. northeast of Lansdowne town. The Cemetery record shows: "John E. Steacy, 1840-1918: Eliza Steacy, relict of Wm. DAVIS, wife of John E. Steacy, 1838-1900".
These facts all help to verify the family story about an ancestor who died at a young age and that his wife remarried to a John Steacy. In fact Eliza Steacy and John E. Steacy were cousins; both had common grandparents; Denis Steacy and Elizabeth Graham.
George Evans DAVIS (b. 1887), in his application for life assurance dated Oct. 22, 1917 gave the age of his paternal grandmother (Eliza, not named) as 65 years which means she must have died about 1900 which agrees with the date given in the cemetery record.
Of interest is bit of family folklore relating that a Virginia Steacy, a descendant of John E. Steacy was a well known singer of the day and once performed for the Governor General of Canada. I have not been able to locate her and wonder if Victoria, Eliza and John's youngest daughter, could have been she?
They had the following children:
M i Thomas George DAVIS M ii William DAVIS
Allan EARL [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 26 Apr 1828 in Ireland. He died on 23 May 1905 in Wiarton, Bruce County, Ontario, Canada. He was buried in 1905 in Bayview Cemetery, Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. He married Rachel EARL about 1853.
The earliest record of Allan Earl in Canada is in the 1851 census for Lansdowne Twp. in Leeds Co. where he is listed with his parents , Robert and Margaret Earl. His age is given as 24 years. (See notes for Robert EARL.)
In the 1861 census for Leeds Co., Lansdowne Twp (Page 56) he is listed with his wife, Rachel and family:
Alen 33 years Farmer
Rachel 26
Amelia 6
Mary 5
Susan 2
Alen 1
Note the spelling of Alen which is a variation of Allen or Allan. The family is listed as living in a log house. Mariam was not born as yet. Allan and Rachel must have been married about 1854, based on the age of the oldest child, Amelia. Allan was not married in 1851 according to the census for that year.This family was still living in Lansdowne Twp according to the 1871 census for Lansdowne Twp. Rear in Leeds Co. South, which lists:
Allen 42 years
Rachael 35
Amelia 16
Mary 15
Suanna 11
Miriam 7
Martti 4The country of birth for the whole family is given as Canada, their racial origin as Irish, and their religion as Church of England. The young son, Alen, shown in the 1861 census must have died in the intervening time between the two cesus.
The EARL Family was still in Lansdowne Twp. Rear in Leeds Co. South, in the 1881 census. The family is listed as:
Allan 52 years
Rachael 45
Mary 24
Miriam 16
John Webster 6Miriam is still with the family but two of the older girls, Amelia and Susanna have left, presumably married. The son Martti is no longer shown. Did he die at a young age also? John Webster was a nephew according to the 1901 census.
By the year 1891 the EARL family had moved to Amabel Twp., Bruce Co. North according to the census for that year. The family (#33) then consisted of:
Allen 62 years. Born in Ireland. Father born in Ireland.
Mother born in Ireland.
Rachel 56 " . Born in Ontario. Father born in Ireland.
Mother born in England.
John W. 15 " . Born in Ontario. Father born in Ireland.
Mother born in Ireland.Miriam was no longer listed with the family as she had married in 1883.
The Stacey family (#32) which was listed in the 1891 census just ahead of the EARLS is of interest since Bertha, the daughter, is found with the EARL family in the next census. This Stacey family consisted of:
George 40 years. Widower. Born in Ontario.
Father born in Ireland.
Mother born in Wales.
Bertha 7 " . Daughter. Born in Ontario.
Father born in Ontario.
Mother born in Ontario.According to the 1901 Census for North Bruce Co., Amabel Twp. the Allan EARL family, though changed, was still living in Amabel Twp. North Bruce Co. The family (#66) is listed as:
Allan age 72 years. Farmer. Church of England.
Born in Ireland.
Year of immigration 1830.
Rachel 66 " . Racial origin - English.
John Webster 26 " . Nephew. Born in Canada.
Racial Origin - Iriish.
Stacie, Bertha 17 " . G. daughter. Born in Ontario.
Racial origin - Irish.
Mary Hyatt 17 " . Domestic. Born in Ontario.
Racial origin - Irish.
George F. Langlie 13 . Adopted. Born in England. Immigrated 1891.
Racial origin - English.The death certificate of Allen Earl shows that he died of apoplexy in 1905 at the age of 77 years. There is a large red granit tombstone marking the burial place of Allan and Rachel in the Bayview Cemetery in Wiarton. This reads:
1828 - 1905RACHEL EARL
his wife
1833 - 1921Allen EARL made out his will in September 1903 and it was probated and registered on June 30, 1905 in the Registry Office for the County of Bruce (Book C, General Register) in Walkerton, Ontario.
In his will he names, as heirs, his wife Rachel, his grand-daughter Bertha Steacy, his daughter Louisa Johnson, his daughter Mary Esther Steacy, and his daughter Marion (Miriam?) DAVIS. (Note: Mary Esther married Evan William Steacy.) Although the Will does not specifically state, it is assumed that most of the estate was farm land as Allan was listed in all census returns as being a farmer.
Rachel EARL [Parents] was born on 18 Sep 1834 in Leeds County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 11 May 1921 in Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. She was buried on 13 May 1921 in Bayview Cemetery, Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. She married Allan EARL about 1853.
Rachel Earl was born 18 Sep 1834 according to the 1901 Census for North Bruce County, Ontario. Her tomb stone in the Bayview Cemetery, Wiarton shows that she was born in 1833 and died in 1921. The 1901 Census showed that she was born in Ontario and was of English racial origin, although the 1861, 1871 and 1881 census for Lansdowne, South Leeds showed her racial origion as Irish. The 1891 census shows her father as Irish and her mother as Enlish. Her religion was given as Church of England in all records.
The death certificate (# 009156) for Rachael Earl of Wiarton shows the dates of here death and burial. It gives her age as 86 years, 7 months and 21 days confirming her date of birth as 18 Sep 1834. It also states that her father was Thomas Earl of Ireland and her mother was Mary Earl, also of Ireland. The informant was a son-in-law: George H. Johnson. She was sick for two years and the primary cause of death was given as neuritis with asthenia and general debility as contributing problems.
They had the following children:
F i Amelia EARL was born in 1855.
Information from the 1871 Census for Lansdowne, South Leeds County, Ontario.F ii Mary Esther EARL F iii Susanna EARL was born in 1860.
Information from the 1871 Census for Lansdowne, South Leeds, Ontario. Susanna
and her brother, Martii must have been twins.F iv Miriam Patience Estella EARL M v Martti EARL was born in 1867.
Information from the 1871 Census for Lansdowne, South Leeds, Ontario. Martii
and his sister Susanna must have been twins.
Allan Mansell DAVIS [Parents] was born on 10 Mar 1884 in Wiarton, Ontario, Canada.
Information from the 1901 Census of North Bruce County, Ontario.
George W. Robertson / June 29, 1994.
He had the following children:
U i Older Child DAVIS F ii Enid DAVIS
Alvin EARL DAVIS [Parents] was born on 26 Oct 1887 in Amabel Twns., Bruce County, Ontario. He died on 21 Apr 1975 in Lafayette, Contra Costa, California. He married Anna Mary about 1911.
Information from family records and the 1901 Census for North Bruce County,
Ontario.The 1930 USA Census lists Alvin Davis in Oakland City, Alameda Co., California; age 40 years; occupation salesman of wearing apparel. first married at age 24 years but no wife is listed. Three children are shown: Stanford E. age 14 years; Verna I, 13 years; and Reggie W., 11 years. All family members are shown as born in Canada and immigrated to USA in 1924.
Alvin was a twin brother of Lucille's father, George Evans Davis.
His birth cetificate shows his name spelled "Alvan" and His mother's name
spelled "Miriam".He applied for U.S. Social Security Account Number on November 30, 1938 and
was given No. 545-03-3303. On the application he gives his father as Thomas
Davis and His mother as "Marian" Patience Earl. He states his age as 44 and his date of birth as October 1892 both of which appear to be incorrect as there is ample evidence to support his birth date as October 26, 1887. His place of birth was given correctly as Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. His address was 2341 Divisadoro St., San Francisco, California. He worked for Anixter & Dreyfus, Inc. (GRAYS) at 902 Market St. San Francisco. He signed the application in very distinct writing as "Alvin E. Davis".Death information is from the Social Security Death Index.
Anna Mary was born about 1898. She married Alvin EARL DAVIS about 1911.
They had the following children:
M i Earl Stanford DAVIS F ii Verna Irene DAVIS was born on 24 Sep 1917. She died on 26 Jun 1976 in Contra Costa County, California. M iii Reginald William DAVIS
Wilford E. SPEAR was born about 1894 in Canada. He married Marjorie DAVIS.
Wilford Spear and family are listed in the USA 1930 Censu for Pasadena City in Los Angeles Co., California. He is listed as 36 years of age and born in Canada of parents from England. His occupation is gven as Manager of a Bond Co. His wife is listed as Marjorie, age 36 years and born inCanada. One son is listed as Reginald G. age 6 years born in the USA. Wilford and Marjorie are shown as immigrating from Canada in 1920.
Marjorie DAVIS [Parents] was born on 11 Feb 1893 in Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. She died on 13 Oct 1993 in San Marino, Los Angeles, California. She married Wilford E. SPEAR.
Information from the 1901 Census for North Bruce County, Ontario.
The 1901 Census gives here age as 8 years and her birth date as 11 Feb. 1893.
Marjorie moved to California with her mother in 1923.
She married a fellow by the name of Spear and had one son Reginald.George W. Robertson / June 29, 1994.
The California Death Index, 1940-1997, which is available on the internet at ANCESTRY.COM shows statistics for Marjorie as follows:
Birth: 11 Feb. 1893; Canada
Death: 13 Oct. 1993; Los Angeles
Mother's maiden name: EARLE
Father's surname: DAVISGWR/ 2003/08/21.
They had the following children:
M i Reginald Gordon SPEAR
Thomas EARL was born in 1798 in Ireland. He died on 25 Jan 1877 in Yonge Twp., Leeds County, Ontario. He married Mary Ann EARL about 1830 in possibly, Ontario, Canada.
The first clue leading to the Thomas EARL family was contained in the death certificate of daughter Rachel EARL (#009156) wherein she named her father and mother: Thomas and Mary EARL. The second clue was when the will of Thomas Earl was found in the County Land Registery Office in Brockville, Ontario. In this it was discovered that he lived in Yonge Township, Leeds County. Search of the census records for Yonge County revealed the Thomas EARL Family in the 1848, 1861 and 1871 records.
The 1848 census for Yonge Twp. lists a Thomas Earle as a farmer-owner living on Lot 9, Concession 6 with family:
9 members in household; 7 Church of England: 2 Wesleyan Methodists.
1 native of Ireland; 1 native of England; 7 natives of Canada of British origin.
1 male age 5 years or under.
1 male and 2 females age 6 to 13 incl.
2 single males age 14 to 17 years incl.
1 single male age 18 to 20 years.
1 married male age 40 to 59 years.
1 married female age 14 to 44 years.The age distrubation in the 1848 census agrees well with the ages as given in the 1861 census. The 3 older males in the 1848 census are missing in the 1861 census, possibly because they have married and left the family.
Since all the children were born in Canada, it follows that the parents, Thomas and Mary must have left Ireland to come to Canada about 1830 or earlier.
This EARL family was found in the 1861 census for Yonge Township, Leeds County as follows:
EARL, Thomas age 62 years. Born in Ireland.
Mary A. " 56 " . Born in England.
Robert " 24 " . Born in Upper Canada.
Patience " 21 " . " " " " .
Thomas " 16 " . " " " " .Daughter Rachel was married in 1853 and, therefore, is not shown with the family. She would be 27 years old at the time of the 1861 census and, therefore, is the oldest child. (See notes for her mother, Rachel).
The names of Thomas and Mary Ann EARL with son Thomas were found in the 1871
census for Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario with following information:EARL, Thomas age 74 years. Born in Ireland.
Mary Ann " 66 " . Born in England.
Thomas " 23 " . Born in Upper Canada.Records in the Registry Office for Leeds County at Brockville show that, on Feb. 24 1834, Thomas Earl received a patent on Crown Land for North 1/2 of Lot 2 in Concession 6 amounting to about 100 acres. He sold this four years later and appears to have bought and sold several pieces of land in Concessions 6 and 10 during his lifetime.
The death certificate for Thomas EARL shows that he died at the age of 79 years on Sept. 25, 1877 from disease of the lungs which he had for nine days. Was this pneumonia? His death was registered in Leeds County, Young and Escot Division. His physician was Dr. A.A. Chamberlain from Farmersville.
The Will of Thomas EARL was written in 1872 and registered November 30, 1877 (Land Registery Office, Brockville Registery #Yonge-8-694, 08-11-1877). His estate consisted of 166 acres of land and premises situated in the Township of Yonge, Leeds County, Ontario and included parts of lots #8 and #9 in the tenth concession on the eastern boundary of the Township of Yonge. His heirs, as named in the Will were: his wife Mary Ann EARL, his son Thomas Isaac EARL, and his daughter Patience Esther (EARL) Kincaid. Whereas the wife and son received the land and premises, the daughter received $100.00 to be paid from the income produced by the land guaranteed by a lien against the land. The son, Thomas Isaac EARL, was named as executor of the Will.
Son Robert and daughter Rachel were not mentioned in the Will. Rachel and her husband, Allan Earl, were listed in the 1861, 1871, and 1881 Census for Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne County. Later they moved to Bruce County where they are shown in the 1891 and 1901 Census.
Mary Ann EARL was born in 1805 in England. She died on 6 Mar 1879 in Rear-of-Younge, Leeds County, Ontario. She married Thomas EARL about 1830 in possibly, Ontario, Canada.
See notes for her husband Thomas EARL (1798-1877).
Information from the death certificate (#009156) of daughter, Rachel and from the Will of her husdand, Thomas EARL (1798-1877). Daughter Rachel's death certificate shows her mother's maiden name as Mary EARL born in Ireland but this birth place does not agree with the census reports.
The record of death for Mary EARL shows that she died March 6, 1879 at the age of 74 years from inflammation of the lungs which she had for two months. This sets her year of birth as 1805 which agrees well with the 1861 and 1871 census. It also shows that she was a widow and gives the place of birth as England. This birth place agrees with the 1861 and 1871 census but disagrees with the death certificate of her daughter Rachel EARL (1834-1921). The informant's name on the death record is Thomas Earl, yeoman in the township of Rear-of-Yonge, Leeds. Most likely he was Mary's son who was named in both the 1861 and 1871 census and who would be 34 years of age at his mother's death.
They had the following children:
F i Rachel EARL M ii Robert Mansell EARL F iii Patience Esther EARL M iv Thomas EARL was born in 1845 in Upper Canada.
Information from 1861 census for Lansdowne and from the County Marriage
Registers of Ontario, Canada 1858-1869; Vol. 20: LEEDS & GRENVILLE; by
Elizabeth Hancocks; 1987.
Evan Williams STACY was born in 1847. He died in 1927 in Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. He was buried in 1927 in Bayview Cemetery, Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. He married Mary Esther EARL.
In the Bayview Cemetery in Wiarton there is a large gray granite tombstone
engraved as follows:STEACY
1847 - 1927his wife
1888 -1967his wife
1899 - 1990This Mary Esther EARL must be the same Mary shown in the Allan & Rachel EARL
family as birth dates of both are the same. She is, therefore, a
sister to Miriam Patients Estella.Mary Esther Steacy is also memtioned in the Will of Allan EARL (Rin #68).
Mary Esther EARL [Parents] was born in 1856. She died in 1930 in Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. She was buried in 1930 in Bayview Cemetery, Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. She married Evan Williams STACY.
Information from the 1871 Census for Lansdowne, South Leeds County, Ontario.
Information for Mary is from her tombstone (See notes for her husband, Evan
Williams Steacy, RIM # 88).
They had the following children: