William STEACY [Parents] was born on 23 Oct 1808 in Ireland. He died on 28 Apr 1882 in Lansdowne, Ontario. He was buried in Union Cemetery. He married Jane McVEIGH about 1862.
Other marriages:ENNIS, Charlotte
Information sources:
- See NOTES for father Dennis STEACY..
- Census and cemetery records as noted.The family of William STACEY was recorded in the 1861 Census for Lansdowne
Twp., Leeds County as follows:William Stacey Farmer age 50 Born in Ireland CHurch of England.
Sharlot " Wife 41 " " " "
John E. " Labour 20 " Upper Canada " "
Samual " " 19 " " " " "
George " " 17 " " " " "
Benjamin " " 15 " " " " "
Joseph " " 13 " " " " "
Grase " 11 " " " " "
Eliza " 9 " " " " "
Willaim " 7 " " " " "
Sharlot " 5 " " " " "
Rob't " 3 " " " " "
Dilmond " 1 " " " " "John E. married his cousin, Eliza, the widow of William Davis (your ancestors) and the daughter of Richard Steacy and Anna Evans Williams.
Information from the publication: County Marriage Registers of Ontario, Canada, 1858-1869; Vol. 20; LEEDS & GRENVILLE; 1987 shows that William Davis and Eliza Steacy were from Lansdowne, and shows Eliza's parents as William and Ann. This must be a mistake as William's Eliza is too young, being born in 1852, whereas Eliza, the wife of William Davis, was born in 1838. Also Willliam Steacy's wife's name was Sharlot, not Ann. Ann was the name of the wife of Richard Steacy, William's brother. Therefore, this William is the uncle of Eliza (Steacy) Davis.
A search of the records of the Union Cemetery, 5 km. northeast of Lansdowne revealed only one William Steacy (33 names listed) of the correct age for this William. The grave stone shows his date of death as 28 April 1882 at the age of 73 yrs. 6 mos., & 5 days making his birth date as 23 Oct. 1808. His wife is shown as Jane McVeigh; died 29 Oct. 1877 at the age of 65 yrs. & 16 days making her birth date as 13 Oct. 1812. Jane must be William's second wife.
Jane McVEIGH was born on 13 Oct 1812 in Ireland. She died on 29 Oct 1877 in Lansdowne, Ontario. She was buried in Union Cemetery. She married William STEACY about 1862.
Information sources:
- The WEB PAGE of R.H.A. Steacy (2001/09/04).
<http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/s/t/e/Richard-H-Steacy/GENE5-0016.html>See notes for her husband William Steacy. She is his second wife.
Dennis STEACY [Parents] was born in 1779 in Bunclody, Wexford Co., Ireland. He died in 1848 in Brockville, Ontario. He was buried in Brockville, Ontario. He married Elizabeth "Bridget" GRAHAM about 1794 in Waterford, Ireland.
Information shared by Richard Halton Alexander Steacy and Ian Roberts. Thank you.
Richard Holton Alexander STEACY of Burritts Rapids, Ontario writes (4 Sept. 2001);
"I am researching the Steacy family from Lansdowne Ontario. Dennis Steacy lived from 1779 to 1848 and was born in Bunclody, Wexford Ireland. He married Elizabeth "Bridget" Graham and moved to Canada, settling in Leeds County at Lansdowne Ontario. They had 12 Children. My Research includes information about Webster, Washburn, Rancier, Steacy, Oglov, Mallory, Chipman, Mitchell, Latham, Sexton, Curtis, Holton, Cameron, Madill, and Carson families, and others."From his research it was learned that:
Dennis STEACY was born in Bunclody, County Wexford, Ireland, 60 miles south of Dublin and 20 miles inland from the coast, This town is in the southeast corner of Ireland and across St. George's Channel from Wales. He married Elizabeth GRAHAM of County Waterford about 1794 and they had 12 children all born in Ireland. About 1832 the entire family moved to Canada and settled in the Brockville, Ontario area. He was an Anglican, an Orangeman, and a conservative,. His occupation was farmer (yeoman). There is a copy of the deed to Dennis STEACY's farm that has Dennis listed as "Dennis STEACY, Yeoman". Dennis married Elizabeth at a very young age. Her father Benjamin GRAHAM had disapproved of her marriage to Dennis, because he had believed he wasn't capable of taking good care of his daughter. Dennis and Elizabeth had eloped. As time went by and after the birth of their children, Benjamin accepted their marriage, as he saw that Dennis was a good worker and capable of taking care of his family.As a young man, Dennis worked in his father's flax mill.
In 1832 Dennis and Elizabeth decided to leave for Canada. They left Ireland with 11 children, ranging in age from 12 to 20 plus years. One Daughter Elizabeth Steacy, married to Mr. Lane, followed a year later with two small daughters. Their first home was in North Augusta, Ontario where he was granted a piece of land on December 14, 1832 consisting of the west half of lot 7 in concession 8 of Elizabeth Township in the district of Johnstown containing 100 acres. The cost was 37 pounds 10 shillings. The first house was a log cabin. Later a stone house was built. The house was destroyed by fire in the 1920's.
After Dennis passed away in 1848, the farm was owned by his youngest son Joseph. Dennis and Elizabeth (d. 1860) were originally buried behind St. Peters Church in Brockville, but later transferred to son John Steacy's plot in Brockville Cemetary.
Dennis STEACY and Elizabeth GRAHAM had 12 children between the years 1795 and 1823. All were christened in St. Mary's Church, Enniscothy, County Wexford, Ireland. William was the fifth child and Richard the tenth.
Many of the Steacy's settled in Leeds County, Canada, Ganagoque, N. Augusta, Athens, Brockville, Kingston etc.. Others moved to Orillia, London, Ontario and many to the mid west and western provinces of Canada, also to California, New York, New Jersey, Penn., and many other states in the United States.
Elizabeth "Bridget" GRAHAM [Parents] was born in 1782 in Waterford, Co., Ireland. She died in 1860 in Brockville, Ontario. She was buried in Brockville, Ontario. She married Dennis STEACY about 1794 in Waterford, Ireland.
Information shared by Richard Halton Alexander Steacy and Ian Roberts. Thank you.
See also notes for her husband, Dennis STEACY.
Elizabeth GRAHAM was born in 1772 in Ireland. She was the daughter of Benjamin GRAHAM who owned an iron foundry. Apparently her family was quite prosperous.
They had the following children:
F i Susannah STEACY F ii Grace STEACY F iii Elizabeth STEACY M iv Samuel STEACY was born in 1803 in Ireland.
See NOTES for father Dennis STEACY..M v William STEACY M vi Benjamin STEACY was born in 1811 in Ireland.
See NOTES for father Dennis STEACY..F vii Joyce STEACY M viii John Graham STEACY M ix Richard STEACY M x Joseph STEACY was born on 24 Feb 1820 in Wexford, Ireland. He died on 20 Jun 1886 in North Augusta, Ontario.
See NOTES for father Dennis STEACY..F xi Mary Anne STEACY M xii George STEACY was born in 1827 in Ireland. He died in 1899 in Hensall, Ontario.
See NOTES for father Dennis STEACY..
Reginald Gordon SPEAR [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Reginald Gordon SPEAR Jr. F ii Robin Dudley SPEAR
Eva Caroline Esther SASSEVILLE [Parents] was born on 19 Aug 1895 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe Quebec, Canada. She married Harold SAGAR.
Other marriages:GOGINS, Hugh
Information from family records. Also see notes for her father (Rin #114).
They had the following children:
M i Victor SAGAR M ii Louis Robert SAGAR
Eva Caroline Esther SASSEVILLE [Parents] was born on 19 Aug 1895 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe Quebec, Canada. She married Hugh GOGINS.
Other marriages:SAGAR, Harold
Information from family records. Also see notes for her father (Rin #114).
They had the following children:
M i Robert (Bob) SAGAR M ii Victor SAGAR
Theodore Earnest SASSEVILLE [Parents] was born on 7 Apr 1892 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe Quebec, Canada. He married Edith.
Information from family records. Also see notes for his father (Rin #114).
They had the following children:
M i Keith SASSEVILLE F ii Thelma SASSEVILLE F iii Lucille SASSEVILLE F iv Edith SASSEVILLE M v Theodore (Bob) Joseph John SASSEVILLE
Alphonse Joseph SASSEVILLE Ecr,J.P. [Parents] was born on 19 Oct 1842 in Québec City. He died on 28 Oct 1916. He married M. Philomène DUMONT on 14 Feb 1865 in Ste-Anne, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from family records, census records, and from CARBONNEAU and RIVERIN.
Alphonse, age 19, is shown in the 1861 census for Ste-Anne-des-Monts along
with his father, Jean Bte. and mother, Esther CARON. At this time he had not
married.The 1901 Canadian census for Ste-Anne-des-Monts in the Gaspé County, Québec
(Film # T-6522, page 16) lists the complete family of Alphonse Philomène, excepting for Jean Batiste (Rin #114) who had married and moved away with his own family. This family with Jean Baptiste is also shown in the 1891 census for the same area. The 1881 census for Ste-Anne-des-Monts list
Alphonse, age 39 years, his wife Philomène, age 40 years, and 8 of his children. Albert, the second oldest is shown in this list. The children range in age from 1 to 15 years. The 1871 Census shows Alphonse, age 29, his wife, age 30, and three children: Jean Baptiste, age 5; Albert, age 2; and Luc, age 7 months.When we visited Olivier (see notes for Lt. Col. Jean Baptiste SASSEVILLE b.1799----) in Ste. Anne des Monts he told us that Alphonse was Post Master at Ste. Anne des Monts. Also, family records show that he was a Notary (or Justice of the Peace), as well as an organist (according to Lucille's Uncle Jack Sasseville).
M. Philomène DUMONT [Parents] was born on 13 Feb 1842 in Rivière Ouelle, Québec. She died on 5 Aug 1901. She married Alphonse Joseph SASSEVILLE Ecr,J.P. on 14 Feb 1865 in Ste-Anne, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from family records. Also see notes for her husband, Alphonse
SASSVILLE (Rin #116)Philomène's year of birth is given as 1841 by L'Abbe Adolphe Michaud in
Généalogie des Familles de la Rivière Ouelle. Since she is listed in this book along with her parents she must have been born in Rivière Ouelle, mid-way between Québec City and Rimouski. On the other hand, her father and his family including Philomène, are also shown in the Tablaue Généalogique des Marriages Mgr. C.-A. Carbonneau, P.A. V.1 1936. There the marriage is shown as Feb. 14, 1865 at Ste-Anne-des-Monts.
They had the following children:
M i Jean-Baptiste SASSEVILLE M ii Albert SASSEVILLE was born in 1869 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from the 1881 census for Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Gaspe.M iii Luc SASSEVILLE was born on 19 Sep 1870 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec.
information source - see notes for his father (Rin #116)M iv Alphonse SASSEVILLE was born on 28 May 1872 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information source: see notes for his father (Rin #116).F v Anna SASSEVILLE was born on 31 May 1873 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec. She died on 10 Aug 1948 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information source: see notes for her father (Rin #116). The date of her death
is from daily records. She must never have married as her death notice shows
only her maiden name.F vi Marie Laure Aline SASSEVILLE M vii Pierre Edmond SASSEVILLE M viii J. Horace SASSEVILLE [scrapbook] was born on 25 Jun 1880 in Ste-Anne-, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec. He died on 6 Dec 1949.
Information source: see notes for his father (Rin #116). The date of death is
from family records.M ix Edouard SASSEVILLE
Sylvain LEPAGE [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 31 Jan 1826 in Cap Chat, Gaspé County, Québec. He died on 14 Jul 1910 in St. Norbert, Cap Chat, Gaspé County, Québec. He married Marguerite Esther KEABLE on 28 Jan 1856 in Ste-Anne, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from family records and from the 1901, 1891, 1881 & 1861 Canadian
Census for Cap Chat, Gaspe.The 1861 shows Sylvain, age 36 years, with his wife Marguerite Keable and
three children; Sylvain, 5 years; Marie, 3 years; and Leopold. age 1 year. He
is a farmer and his place of birth or origin is given as Rimouski.The 1881 Census shows Sylvain as a farmer age 55 years, married to Marguerite
and having eight children at home, the eldest being Edrape (m), age 24 years
and the youngest, Adeline (f) age 10 years.The 1891 Census shows Sylvain as a farmer age 65 years, married to Marguerite
and still having eight children at hone: the eldest being Marie age 32 years
and the youngest being Emile, age 18 years.The 1901 census lists Sylvain (Silvin), age 75 years, his wife Marguarite
(Margrite), age 62 years, and two children: Adiline, age 30 years, and Emil,
25 years.Combining the children listed in the 1861, 1881 and the 1891 census it appears that Sylvain and Marguerite had 14 children.
According to the 1891 census, Joseph, Jean and Caroline had left home. It
appears that Edrape had married about 1882, had two children and his
wife died as he is shown living with the Sylvain LEPAGE family along with two
children: George (b. 1883) and Imelda (b. 1885). He appears again in the 1901
census with a wife Florentine and 5 children: George, 18 years; Melda. 16;
Joseph, 4; Marie, 2; and Edoire, 7 months.Sylvain appears to have been born in Rimouskie (1861 census) although he might have been born in Cap Chat in 1826 [This needs further checking]. His marriage January 28, 1856 to Marguerite Esther KEABLE at Ste-Anne-des-Monts is recorded in TALBOT. Marriages of most of the LEPAGE families are also recorded by CARBONNEAU. his marriage and death is also recorded in PROVOST.
Marguerite Esther KEABLE [Parents] was born on 1 Jan 1839 in Cap Chat, Gaspé, Québec. She married Sylvain LEPAGE on 28 Jan 1856 in Ste-Anne, des-Monts, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from family records; from the 1861 to the 1901 Canadian Census for Cap Chat, Gaspe; and also in CARBONNEAU and DENIS-RIVERIN. CARBONNEAU (page 262) shows her Christian name only as 'Esther' as the daughter of André but later (page 448) she is shown as 'Marguerite-Esther', and again (page 464) as 'Marguerite', both times as wife of Sylvain LEPAGE.
Marguerite KEABLE, age 22 years, was listed in the 1861 Census for Cap Chat, Gaspé. The census gives her place of birth or origin (lieu de naissace) as Cap Chat. Three children are listed in the census: Sylvain, 5 years; Marie, 3 years; and Leapold, 1 year.
The 1891 Census for Gaspé, Cap Chat shows Marguerite's age as 51 years. Eight children are still at home.
The 1901 Census for Gaspé, Cap Chat gives the age of Margaret as 62 years and her birth date as January 1, 1839.
Marguerite's marriage data are given in CARBONNEAU where her father and mother are also shown but no further ancestors are given.
Records indicate that Marguerite gave birth to 14 children between 1856 and 1860.
No date of death has been found. GWR/2003/12/31).
They had the following children:
M i Sylvain LEPAGE was born in 1856 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from the 1861 census for Cap Chat.M ii Esdras LEPAGE was born in 1857 in Cap Chat, Gaspe Quebec.
information from 1881 amd 1891 Canadian census.F iii Marie LEPAGE was born in 1859 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from 1891 census.M iv Leopold LEPAGE was born in 1860 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from the 1861 census for Cap Chat.M v Ernest LEPAGE was born in 1861 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from 1891 census.M vi Joseph LEPAGE was born in 1863 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from the 1881 and 1891 Canadian census.M vii Jean LEPAGE was born in 1865 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from the 1881 and 1891 Canadian census.F viii Caroline Anne LEPAGE F ix Amanda LEPAGE was born in 1869 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
information from the 1881 and 1891 Canadian census.F x Adéline LEPAGE was born on 4 Apr 1870 in Cap Chat, Gaspé, Québec.
Information from 1891 & 1901 census for Cap Chat, Gaspe.M xi Charles LEPAGE was born in 1872 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from 1891 census.M xii Norbert Athanase LEPAGE M xiii Emile LEPAGE was born on 2 Mar 1876 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from 1891 & 1901 census for Cap Chat, Gaspe.F xiv Estere LEPAGE was born in 1878 in Cap Chat, Gaspe, Quebec.
Information from 1891 census.
Jean Baptiste SASSEVILLE Lt.-Colonel [Parents] [scrapbook] was born in 1799 in Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière, Québec. He died on 25 May 1873. He married Esther CARON on 10 Jun 1823 in Ste. Anne, de la Pocatiere, Quebec, Canada.
Jean Bte. and his wife, Esther CARON, are listed in CARB0NNEAU and RIVERIN.
RIVERIN states that Jean Bte. died 25 May 1873 at age 73 years.
The 1861 census for Ste-Anne-des-Monts list Jean Bte. SASSEVILLE, age 61 years, as a farmer with wife Esther Caron, age 60 years and four children: Esther, 35 years; Jean Bte., 34 years; Alphonse, 19 years; and Louis A., 24 years.
A missing daughter, Elizabeth, was brought to my attention by her g-grandddaughter, Lorie (Roy) Downey. See notes for Elizabeth Sasseville.
Louis may be married to Olive Roy, age 28 years who is listed immediately after him. This marriage is confirmed by Carbonneau and took place January 10, 1859 in Ste-Anne-des-Monts. Louis son Jean-Louis married Clara Roy in Cap-Chat on February 16, 1897.
Alphonse is your ancestor. He married in 1865.
Family records show that Jean Bte. moved to Ste-Anne-des-Monts in 1815. In
later life he was a Lt.-Colonel in the British Army.On Saturday, July 1, 1989 Lucille and I (George) along with her brother Howard and his wife Terry (who speaks French) visited Ste-Anne-des-Monts. We called on Father LaBarge at the Church. The original Church burned and was rebuilt. He had some old records which helped to verify a few dates. Alphonse Joseph SASSVILLE died 1916/10/28. His marriage to Philomène DUMONT was 1865/02/14. Her father, Henri DUMONT married Sophie RUAIS. Father LaBarge told us where the Sasseville house was located and that a 2nd cousin, Olivier Sasseville, lived there.
We visited Olivier Sasseville at 21 - 1st Avenue East, Ste-Anne-des-Monts, PQ G0E 2G0. He lived in the old SASSEVILLE house built in 1833 by Jean Baptiste SASSVILLE shortly after his marriage in 1823. He had a large family and needed a big house. An addition was added to the house in 1864 and in recent years it is reported to have been used as an inn or bed-and-breakfast.
An outstanding item in the house was a gigantic wood-burning iron stove in the living room. The house has been occupied by Sasseville descendants ever since it was built.Hanging on the wall in the living room was the origional certificate appointing Jean Baptiste as a Lieutenant Colonel. The date of the appointment was in 1862. He sent me several photocopies of this.
Lucille's grandfather, Jean Baptiste, was born there but when he married he moved into his own house a few blocks away on 4th street where her mother, Jeanne Anne, was born. This house was partly destroyed by fire and the remains moved away.
Olivier told us the Lt.-Col. Jean Baptiste SASSEVILLE and his brother Joseph were fishermen for some time in their younger days. They caught fish during the summer in the Ste-Anne-des-Monts area, took them by boat to Québrc City where they were sold for a tidy profit. During this period they lived in Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière and Cap Chat.
He also told us that Alphonse Joseph was Post Master at Ste-Anne des Monts.
Although an article by Olivier in RIVERIN states that Jean Baptiste's father and family moved to Ste-Anne-des-Monts in 1815, Land Claim Records for 1816-1820 in the National Archives indicate that they settled first in the Cap Chat area. (Cap Chat is about 15 km west of Ste-Anne-des-Monts).
(See also the notes for Olivier Sasseville)
Esther CARON [Parents] was born in 1801. She died on 4 Jan 1875. She married Jean Baptiste SASSEVILLE Lt.-Colonel on 10 Jun 1823 in Ste. Anne, de la Pocatiere, Quebec, Canada.
Esther CARON, age 60, is listed in the 1861 census for Ste-Anne-des-Monts as
the wife of Jean Bte. SASSEVILLE. See notes for her husband.RIVERIN states that she died 4 Jan. 1875 at age 75 years.
They had the following children:
F i Esther SASSEVILLE was born in 1825 in Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Québec.
From 1861 Census.M ii Jérôme SASSEVILLE Messire was born on 6 Nov 1826 in Ste-Anne-, de la Pocatière, Québec, Canada. He died on 6 Nov 1893 in Ste-Foye, Québec, Canada.
From family records. He was a priest. His parent are unverified.M iii Jean Baptiste SASSEVILLE was born in 1827 in Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Québec.
From 1861 Census.M iv Louis A. SASSEVILLE F v Elizabeth SASSEVILLE M vi Alphonse Joseph SASSEVILLE Ecr,J.P.
Henri DUMONT [Parents] was born on 26 Jun 1810 in Rivière Ouelle, Québec. He married Sophie RUEST on 16 Sep 1839 in Riviere Ouelle, Quebec.
Henri DUMONT's name is shown along with his parents and children in the
"Genealogie des Familles de la Riviere Ouelle by L'Abbe Adolph Michaud. It is
assumed therefore that he was born and married in Riviere-Ouelle.Henri has triple ancestors in Jean SOUCY-LAVIGNE and his wife,
Jeanne SAUVENIER (b.1647) seven generations removed. See notes for Jean
SOUCY-LAVIGNE (b. abt 1645).
Sophie RUEST was born in Rivière Ouelle, Québec. She married Henri DUMONT on 16 Sep 1839 in Riviere Ouelle, Quebec.
Sophie's surname is given as RUAIS in Généalogie de Familles de la Rivière
Ouelle by L'Abbé Adolphe Michaud. It is assumed that she was born and married
in Rivière Ouelle since she was named in Michaud's book.
They had the following children:
F i M. Philomène DUMONT